15 Year Old Hospitalized after Suffering Brain Bleed while Playing Soccer

Jase McDowell, a high school soccer player from South Carolina who suffered a severe brain bleed during a game in March, is finally spending some time at home. “I’m mainly just missing my house and my friends and my family,” the 15-year-old said. Following his injury, Jase went through three surgeries.

Jase McDowell, a high school soccer player from South Carolina who suffered a severe brain bleed during a game in March, is finally spending some time at home.

“I’m mainly just missing my house and my friends and my family,” the 15-year-old said.

Following his injury, Jase went through three surgeries.

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“I remember that day going to get food before the game, and after that, I don’t remember anything else at all,” he said.

He eventually regained his memory but missed out on something all teenagers look forward to.

“I missed out on my driver’s license, which is a big milestone in a person’s life,” Jase said.

But while his friends were driving, Jase was driven to get back on his feet.

Any extra amount of work I can do in the hospital I was doing, and I think that’s what helped me progress the most,” he said.
He’s been receiving care in Atlanta, working on his ability to walk and run.

“Two and half weeks ago I couldn’t even walk at all and now I’m walking on my own going up stairs, walking around zoos and going down the street to Chick-fil-A and Olive Garden,” he said.

Jase has also been practicing soccer at the medical facility.

Jase McDowell doing exercises at a medical facility in Atlanta. (Credit: Amanda McDowell)

He’s beat all odds and he’s come way further than I think anybody else in his situation would be because he’s so determined,” said Amanda McDowell, Jase’s mother.
“He was always working harder than the therapist wanted him to work, so that was exciting to see,” said Rob McDowell, his father.

On Tuesday, his friends and family surprised him at his home. The community has supported him and his family a lot on this difficult journey by raising money and selling T-shirts with “Jase Strong” on them.

“I think it’s really kind for all the money that they have raised for me, and just all the support that I’ve been getting from everyone has been really nice,” he said.

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