3 reasons you might need a measles booster — and whether you should worry about the recent outbreak

Amidst a growing measles outbreak in Texas, your childhood shots are likely enough to keep you safe from the highly-contagious illness, according to doctors.
Having both recommended doses of measles vaccine offers about 97% effectiveness against infection— enough protection for most people, said pediatrician Dr. Michael Glazier, chief medical officer and co-founder at Bluebird Kids Health.
“I’m not worried that I’m going to get measles or that I need another dose,” Glazier told B-17.
Outbreaks are still cause for public health concern, as measles is exceptionally good at spreading from person to person. Areas with lower rates of vaccination are vulnerable to a surge in cases.
“It’s one of the most contagious diseases out there,” Glazier said. “If what’s happening in Texas is a harbinger of having more pockets of children that aren’t vaccinated, it will become a much more widespread issue.”
You may need extra protection if you’re unsure of your vaccine record, got an obsolete version of the shot, or plan on traveling to a high-risk area. Here’s what to know.
People vaccinated before 1968 may need a booster
The first step in protecting against measles is to know your vaccine status, according to Dr. William Moss, professor of epidemiology at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and executive director of the International Vaccine Access Center.
If you were vaccinated before 1968, you might benefit from a booster.
Earlier versions of the vaccines aren’t as effective, Moss said, so older Americans may want to talk to their doctors about re-upping their immunity.
Consider a measles booster if you’re unsure of your vaccine history
Another reason to consider a booster is if you can’t confirm you had both doses of the vaccine, Glazier said.
If that’s the case, it’s worth thinking about a precautionary shot.
“The issue is that a lot of people don’t know,” he said. “If you’re unsure, get another one. There’s no harm whatsoever.”
Measles isn’t something to gamble on, since it can lead to serious health consequences like pneumonia or brain inflammation.
“It’s not the benign disease people make it out to be,” Glazier said. “Saying ‘I had measles and it was fine,’ I liken it to saying “I never wore a seatbelt, and I was fine.'”
If you only had one shot, you’re still likely to have solid protection, but may want to consider a booster if you’re immune-compromised, caring for someone who is, or are in a high-risk situation, such as a healthcare setting or outbreak area.
“It’s an individual judgment call in consultation with a healthcare provider,” Moss said.
Children under a year old can get an early dose
One of the biggest concerns about the current outbreak is the recent death of a child, the first measles death in the US since 2015, Moss said.
“That’s completely preventable, it’s tragic, we should not be having childhood deaths from measles in the United States,” he said.
Children are typically protected from measles by one shot administered between 12 and 15 months old, and a second between ages four and six.
In cases of international travel to areas with a higher exposure risk to measles, the CDC recommends an earlier precautionary shot to infants as young as six months.
If you’re in or near a current outbreak area, it’s worth talking to your doctor about whether that might apply to your child, according to both Moss and Glazier.
With a rise in vaccine hesitancy in recent years, parents should understand what’s at stake in staying up-to-date on recommended vaccines.
“The assumption is that every parent wants to do what’s best for their children,” Moss said. “What happens is that parents can underestimate the risk of a disease like measles, and overestimate the risk of a vaccine.”