Ask the Pediatrician: What is scabies?

Scabies rash looks different at different ages.
The human itch mite causes scabies, an itchy rash. Scabies can affect adults, children, and babies. Many people believe that scabies are caused by a lack of cleanliness, but this is not the case. It is easily transmitted between people who live in close quarters. Let’s talk about how scabies make you itchy and how to get rid of them safely.
The human itch mite is extremely small. It can burrow only into the top layer of the skin, where it can lay eggs and eat. The mites are so small that you can’t see them with your eyes before the scabies rash appears. In response to the mites, an itchy rash appears after a few days or weeks.
The appearance of a scabies rash varies with age. Babies and toddlers, the very elderly, and people with weakened immune systems may develop a rash all over their bodies. The rash appears mostly on the hands, feet, armpits, belly button, and genitals in older children and adults. Hives (welts), pimples (pus bumps), blisters (tiny areas of fluid-filled skin), or crusty bumps can all appear. However, some people do not react at all. It is very common to have one or two people in the house with a rash, but everyone in the house is exposed and must be treated.
Scabies is diagnosed by carefully inspecting the skin. The pattern of the rash, as well as the story of when it began and who else is itchy, is usually sufficient for diagnosis. Your doctor may occasionally perform a skin scraping to look for the mite or other clues under the microscope.
To get rid of scabies, you must treat both the people and the environment in which you live. Everyone with whom you have regular contact must be treated. This includes everyone who lives with you as well as regular visitors like babysitters and grandparents.
The way you apply the scabies treatment cream makes a big difference.
The most commonly used medicine to treat scabies in adults, children, and infants is permethrin 5% cream. In infants and toddlers under the age of two, the cream is applied to the scalp, neck, and all the way down to the toes. The cream is applied from the neck down to the toes in older children and adults. The cream should be applied to all body folds, including the armpits, belly button, buttock crack, scrotum and penis, and spaces between the fingers and toes. It is not necessary to use it on the face.
Permethrin cream is applied to the skin overnight for eight to fourteen hours before being washed off the next day. To take care of any eggs that hatched after the first treatment, the treatment must be repeated in one week.
In some cases, additional creams and oral medications are required. Some medications should not be given to very young infants or pregnant women. Your doctor will assist you in selecting the best scabies treatment for your family.
The mite can survive on cloth for short periods of time outside of the skin. Clothing, stuffed animals, bed linens, towels, soft parts of strollers, car seats, furniture, and highchairs are just a few examples.
Scabies can be removed from the home by washing clothing, bed linens, and towels in hot water and drying them on the hot cycle. Vacuum carpets, furniture, car seats, and strollers. If you are unable to wash or vacuum an item due to its size or because it will be damaged, place it in a sealed bag for at least 72 hours. Items can be dry-cleaned if necessary.
Human scabies do not infect your pets. You do not need a special exterminator; simply clean the bed linens, furniture, and other items listed above thoroughly.
You can resume normal activities the day after all family members begin treatment, which is the day after the first overnight application of permethrin cream.
Children and adults may experience itching for several weeks after the scabies have been removed. Other topical medications may be beneficial in this situation. It is known as “post-scabetic pruritus,” which translates as “after-scabies itch.” It can worry parents, but it’s very common, especially if your child has a large rash from scabies.
When the treatments and cleaning steps are carefully followed, scabies disappears quickly. However, if you, your child, or anyone else in the house is still experiencing new bumps two weeks after the last treatment, that person should be evaluated again.
Crusted scabies occurs when a person has a large number of scabies mites on their skin in large crusts. Because it has a lot of scabies mites to spread around, it is a very contagious version. It can happen to people who have weakened immune systems. It has a distinct appearance and is relatively uncommon in children.
If you have any questions or concerns along the way, be sure to ask your doctor.