Fatal Craniofacial Cancer 5 Months After COVID-19 Vaccination

Cancer rates have skyrocketed in surveillance systems around the world since the rollout of COVID-19 mass vaccination. Many people wonder if vaccines cause cancer. Singh et al. published an in silico modeling study in 2020, concluding that the S2 segment of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein could be expected to inhibit the p53 and BRCA1/2 tumor surveillance systems. Importantly, the S2 segment was not found in the body following infection; however, it is readily produced in large quantities following mRNA COVID-19 vaccination, as Patterson et al. published in 2022. Additional mechanisms to explain the occurrence or acceleration of cancer in mRNA vaccine recipients include DNA repair inhibition and contamination with SV-40 oncogene promoters.
We can only examine the evidence in each case individually. Kyriakopoulos et al. report a single case of fatal basaloid craniofacial cancer occurring within five months of vaccination. I’ll let you read the report for yourself and draw your own conclusions about causality and generalization to other rapidly developing cancers observed after the ill-fated COVID-19 vaccination.

According to the authors, “We propose that the simultaneous dysfunction of both the facial and trigeminal nerves, likely through inflammation and T-cell-mediated autoimmunity against myelin of the peripheral nerves, produced an impairment of T cell response and suppressed the innate anti-tumor immune response in our patient, facilitating the basal cell carcinoma metastatic potential.” This implies that mRNA and/or spike protein weaken the body’s natural cancer surveillance system; thus, this patient with an incipient or latent facial cancer was doomed after receiving the injection.
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Reposted with permission from Peter A. McCullough Substack