One of the world’s biggest booze brands invested in my non-alcoholic drink company. The key to the growing market is giving people a way to unwind.

The Hiyo cofounders, Evan Quinn (left), Cygne Cooper Rugo (center) and George Youmans (right).

This as-told-to essay is based on a conversation with George Youmans, cofounder of the social tonic Hiyo, a non-alcoholic beverage startup that recently partnered with Constellation Brands. It has been edited for length and clarity.

I cut my teeth out of college at Red Bull in their entertainment and music marketing division — it was awesome, but I had a bit of cognitive dissonance with the product itself.

I consider myself an amateur biohacker, so I’m very conscious about what I put in my body. Drinking Red Bulls all the time wasn’t exactly what I wanted to be putting my time and effort into. I learned a lot working there, but ultimately, you want to be able to really believe in the brand that you’re building, so there was a bit of a misalignment.

The idea for Hiyo came when one of my co-founders, Evan, and I were thinking through a bunch of different ideas around starting a company — he was getting his MBA at UCLA, and for the final project for his thesis, he had to start a business. During that period back in April 2019, we both had family members hospitalized with some alcohol-related issues.

It was a weird coincidence and, frankly, a pretty traumatic experience, but it caused us to cut back on our drinking out of solidarity with those family members. And as we did, we saw a pretty profound need for a product like Hiyo in our lives and in the lives of those we loved. The options were boring soda water and lime or sugary, syrupy mocktails — and those were not really leading to a healthier lifestyle.

A growing market for non-alcoholic drinks

It was obvious that there was a surging demand for high-end non-alcoholic drinks that didn’t feel like a sacrifice, so we wanted to try to create an alternative to alcohol that you could be proud to hold. We wanted the flavor profiles to be complex and refreshing enough to deserve their place at that table when you usually have cocktails or full-bodied wines.

We also wanted a nutritional facts panel that felt guiltless, with all organic ingredients. Finally, it had to be functional. I think the main reason people drink is that they want to feel something; they want stress relief, to feel relaxed and social. So we tried to tap into those feelings by using adaptogens and nootropics.

We worked for a very long time to finalize that perfect stack of ingredients that elicited that feeling. For me, drinking Hiyo almost feels a little bit like a runner’s high. I don’t know exactly how to describe what I feel, but I know that I feel good, and it’s pleasant, so we called it the “float.” I think the functionality of the drink is such a critical piece of this because the world’s f—ing stressful, and people need a way to unwind. We wanted to be able to provide a healthy version of that thing that we all need at the end of the week or the end of a long day.

A deal with Constellation Brands

We launched in May 2021. We grew 3 times in retail last year and are looking to double this year — and we’ve just announced a new deal with Constellation Brands.

I think what attracted Constellation to Hiyo is they’re recognizing the shifting landscape of consumer behavior, with people drinking alcohol less often, and they’re focused on really owning that celebration and that social occasion space.

People are looking to drink less, whether they’re completely sober or they’re moderating. About 87% of our customers are people who are just drinking less, not completely sober people, and I think Constellation saw us as one of — if not the — fastest-growing brands in our space.

Typically, when strategic investors come in at this stage, they’re looking to potentially have a path toward an acquisition. Part of their investment is to help support that brand to accelerate its growth, and, in our case, Constellation has come out and said they want 25% of their portfolio to be non-alcoholic by around 2030. So we know they have that intentionality, and a big way they’re going to do that is through the ventures group of the Constellation Brands team of finding great, younger, non-alcoholic brands — I’m just so proud Hiyo is one of them.

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