Peter Hotez Inadvertently Sheds Light on Too Many Sudden Deaths
His suddenly deceased friends were “champions of global health”; tireless Covid vaccine advocates like himself.
Many COVID vaccine skeptics have reported an unusually high number of “sudden deaths” in recent months.
Such reports are always characterized as “biased.” And they might be biased. I must admit that I am biased as well, which prevents me from blaming Covid vaccines for various isolated incidents that I am aware of.
However, one of the most zealous Covid vaccine promoters, Peter Hotez, has unwittingly joined the “reporting unusual sudden deaths” club.
Professor Hotez’s tweet from today laments the sudden death of “close colleagues and friends.” Peter mentions that they were “still active when they passed,” implying that they died suddenly.

His suddenly deceased friends were “champions of global health”; tireless Covid vaccine advocates like himself. Professor Hotez is not sure what to blame for these tragedies. Overwork? Exhaustion? – he asks.
I am also not sure; perhaps it is climate change or the stress his friends experienced from seeing vaccine misinformation online. Any ideas?