Plague killed Colorado resident, health officials confirm

The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, alongside San Juan Basin Public Health, is investigating

According to health officials, an Archuleta County resident died of the plague on Monday.

The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment is investigating, along with San Juan Basin Public Health, after laboratory testing revealed that the unidentified resident died from plague.

“While this disease is very rare, it is important to be aware of how you can be exposed to it and the symptoms it can cause,” Tiffany Switzer, interim executive director of SJBPH, said. “If you think you have symptoms consistent with plague, seek health care immediately and let them know you may have been exposed.”

According to a Monday news release from San Juan Basin Public Health, plague is caused by bacteria that can be transmitted to humans through the bites of infected fleas or direct contact with infected animals.

According to the release, plague is commonly found in rock squirrels, prairie dogs, wood rats, and other ground squirrel and chipmunk species. Residents should not exterminate or kill prairie dogs on their property because this increases the risk of exposure to fleas infested with the plague.

While the risk of contracting animal-borne diseases such as the plague is higher in the summer, it is present all year and residents should take precautions, according to the release.

Wearing insect repellent outside, keeping pets up to date on vaccinations and away from wildlife, not sleeping in the same bed as pets, not feeding or handling wild animals, and acting quickly to prevent or address rodent infestations are all part of this.

The plague is curable. According to the news release, symptoms include a sudden onset of high fever and/or swollen lymph nodes.

San Juan Basin Public Health, the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention all have websites with more information about plague symptoms and treatments.

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