Since David Solomon became Goldman Sachs CEO, more than 85 partners have left. See the running list here.

  • David Solomon has been Goldman Sachs’ CEO since 2018, succeeding Lloyd Blankfein.
  • He’s made big changes to Goldman and its leadership, and a number of senior execs have left.
  • Julian Salisbury, CIO of asset & wealth management, is heading to Sixth Street.

Julian Salisbury is leaving the bank after 25 years, becoming the latest in a long line of partners to leave since David Solomon became CEO.

Salisbury was the chief investment officer of Goldman’s crucial asset and wealth management division. He will not be replaced, as previously reported by Insider.

Takashi Murata, co-head of Asia Pacific private investing and global co-head of real estate at Goldman Sachs’ asset management unit, is also leaving.

According to Insider, 88 partners have left the bank since Solomon became CEO in 2018.

Goldman and Solomon have fought back against claims that turnover is excessive or detrimental to the bank, most recently at this year’s investor day, when Solomon was asked about departures amid concerns about partner morale.

“There are people who work here. They put in 25 years. They have a successful career. They leave and do other things. They develop into excellent customers. That is part of Goldman Sachs’ virtuous ecosystem,” he added.

“Year to date, our turnover is at a 5-year low, not just for partners, but for the entire firm,” Solomon said.

To be sure, Goldman Sachs partners have gone on to do bigger and better things, from Hank Paulson to Steve Mnuchin, long before Solomon took over. However, Solomon has made significant changes since taking over, including shrinking the bank’s partner ranks in order to restore its exclusivity.

He has reorganized the bank twice, most recently last year when the asset management unit, which Salisbury co-led, was combined with wealth management and placed under the direction of Marc Nachmann.

Meanwhile, Solomon’s costly foray into consumer banking enraged some longtime Goldman partners, as previously reported by Insider. Deep bonus cuts have also occurred as a result of Goldman’s costly bets on new businesses and an industry-wide drop in M&A and IPOs.

Goldman’s partners are members of an exclusive club with special benefits and privileges. After a record-breaking year in 2021, the bank gave its partners millions in one-time bonuses on top of their performance bonuses to ward off aggressive poaching during a hiring frenzy. They are the bank’s most senior employees and are responsible for its strategy.

For the majority of its existence as a company, Goldman was a partnership; Solomon is only the third person to lead Goldman since its 1999 IPO. His mandate has included pushing the bank to operate more like a publicly traded corporation.

The following is a running list of Goldman’s partners who have retired or moved on to roles at other companies since Solomon became CEO. Because Goldman reorganized its divisions last fall in response to the departure of some of these partners, their mapping to current business lines may be inaccurate.

Asset and wealth management

Margaret Anadu

Jennifer Barbetta

Jonathan Bayliss

Jonathan Beinner

Kane Brenan

Beth Cogan

Chris Crampton

Joe Duran

Sam Finkelstein

Alan Kava

Katie Koch

Eric Lane

Deborah Leone

Brendan McGovern

Heather Miner

Takashi Murata

Tim O’Neill

Nick Phillips

Sumit Rajpal

Craig Russell

Julian Salisbury

Luke Sarsfield

Gaurav Seth

Stephanie Smith

Oliver Thym

Andrew Wolff


Bentley De Beyer

Russell Horwitz

Andrew Philipp

Stephen Scherr

Karen Seymour

Jake Siewert

Global banking and markets

Chuck Adams

Frederick Baba

Dean Backer (retired from the partnership)

Steven Barg

Stacy Bash-Polley

Gerard Beatty (retired from the partnership)

Robert Berry

Mike Blum

Michael Carr

David Casner

Marty Chavez

Sara Devereux

Arun Dhar

Carlos Fernandez-Aller

Justin Gmelich

Ken Hitchener

Dane Holmes

Adam Korn

Bruce Larson

Gregg Lemkau

Gavin Leo-Rynie

Brian Levine

Jack McCabe

Ezra Nahum

Jeff Nedelman

Dan Oneglia

Greg Palm

Dina Powell McCormick

Andrew Rennie

Scott Rofey

Paul Russo

Clare Scherrer

Konstantin Shakhnovich

Josh Struzziery

Ram Sundaram

Rob Sweeney

Dan Swift

Chris Taendler

Joe Todd

Eiji Ueda

Jeff Verschleiser

Robin Vince

John Willian

Rana Yared

Hansong Zhu

Platform solutions

Swati Bhatia

Adam Dell

Omer Ismail

David Stark

Harit Talwar


Amanda Hindlian

Richard Manley

Steve Strongin


John Madsen (retired from the partnership)

Jeff Wecker

Elisha Wiesel

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