An OnlyFans creator shares how her ‘marathon’ livestream generated $60,000

  • Bryce Adams and her team create adult content on OnlyFans.
  • She built a business that makes millions with subscriptions and recently started livestreaming.
  • In September, just one of her livestreams generated almost $60,000. Here’s her strategy for success.

Over the last two years, Bryce Adams and her team have been constructing an OnlyFans empire.

Adams, who goes by a stage name to protect her privacy, has over 1 million fans across three OnlyFans accounts, a company with 24 employees, and a $6.4 million revenue in 2022.

She told Insider at the beginning of the year that one of her goals for 2023 was to experiment more with livestreaming — and “it’s been just spectacular,” she said.

Various types of livestreaming content generate consistent engagement.

In 2021, Adams and her team began livestreaming on occasion, primarily to raise funds for charitable causes. She still does them for charity, but she has recently begun to include more for-profit livestreams.

Livestreams, like other features on the platform, can be made free to existing, paying subscribers or require an additional fee for access.

Adams settled on livestreams that were free to subscribers and happened simultaneously across her three OnlyFans accounts, so that all of her subscribers, including those who subscribed to a free one, had access to them. The other two are $7 and $30 per month, respectively. Each page has its own set of benefits. Almost all adult content on the free account must be purchased separately, whereas the paid accounts include some videos and photos with the subscription.

According to Adams, the livestreams were “the activation” for many existing subscribers.

“They’ve actually never seen me move, talk, and just engage,” she stated.

Adams has been broadcasting live every day for the past few weeks. Some of the streams have included stunts, such as a helicopter ride and the installation of a massive American flag in her backyard for July 4, while others simply show Adams and her friends working out or chatting.

Watch the’marathon’ livestream

The “marathon,” a monthly show that lasts seven to eight hours, has been a particularly successful, albeit laborious, type of livestream. These include several adult performances with Adams’ friends and teammates, as well as more relaxed conversations between the participants.

In September, a single marathon livestream earned nearly $60,000, almost entirely from audience tips. The stream had 9,000 concurrent viewers at its peak. Insider confirmed these figures and her income using documentation provided by Adams.

Adams advertised the stream on her social media for a week and collected tips from fans who couldn’t watch it live. Tippers received different portions of the livestream based on how much they tipped, or they could pay $30 to subscribe to Adams’ VIP OnlyFans page and receive a free copy of the entire livestream.

Adams also created a separate behind-the-scenes video to demonstrate the work that went into the livestreams, demonstrating that “it’s not just popping on the camera,” as she put it.

Her team created software that allowed for simultaneous streams and aggregation of comments and tips from all three profiles. The tool also automates posting on the various pages and allows them to handle customer-service issues, such as ensuring that fans do not purchase the same content twice. It’s become so useful that they’re thinking about selling it as a standalone product.

The livestreams are part of a larger strategy to invest more in content that depicts larger and larger experiences.

“We’re not afraid to go travel and take 12 people with us and make it a great time and just document it,” she stated.

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