Bay Area News Group boys athlete of the week: Herschel Turner, Mt. Diablo football

Turner rushed for 377 yards and six touchdowns in 16 carries and had 11 tackles

Herschel Turner of Mt. Diablo is the Bay Area News Group’s high school boys athlete of the week for Aug. 21-26, after receiving 39.56% of the vote by the deadline of 5 p.m. Wednesday.

Luke Baker (31.82%) of San Ramon Valley football finished second, and Noah Crescini of Pioneer water polo finished third.

Congratulations to all of the nominees for this week’s honor.

Turner, a three-star prospect, rushed for 377 yards and six touchdowns on 16 carries and had 11 tackles in Mt. Diablo’s 39-28 victory over Deer Valley.

To be considered for next week’s poll, send an email to by Monday, Sept. 4, at 11 a.m. Stats and team results should be included.

We also consider stats submitted to by coaches/team statisticians.

Winners are announced each Friday on the websites of the Mercury News and the East Bay Times, as well as in the print editions of the Mercury News and the EB Times sports sections.

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