Bay Area News Group girls athlete of the week: Kate Brongiel, Granada flag football

In two games at the EBAL tournament, Brongiel caught seven passes for 149 yards and three touchdowns.

Kate Brongiel of Granada is the Bay Area News Group’s girls athlete of the week for Oct. 23-28, after receiving 35.05% of the vote by the deadline Wednesday.

Ali Cook, a volleyball player from San Ramon Valley, finished second.

Congratulations to all of the nominees for this week’s honor.

In two games at the EBAL tournament, Brongiel caught seven passes for 149 yards and three touchdowns.

To be considered for next week’s poll, send an email to by Monday, Nov. 6, at 11 a.m. Stats and team results should be included.

We also consider stats submitted to by coaches/team statisticians.

Winners are announced each Friday.

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