Bay Area News Group girls athlete of the week: Michelle Ho, Dougherty Valley golf

Ho, a junior, helped Dougherty Valley win the NCS Division I team golf title after she shot a 71 on Monday.

Michelle Ho of Dougherty Valley was named the Bay Area News Group’s girls athlete of the week for the week of Oct. 30 to Nov. 4 after receiving 56.74% of the vote by the deadline on Wednesday.

Ariya Kaushek of Menlo School finished second in the cross-country race.

Congratulations to all of the nominees for this week’s honor.Ho, a junior, shot a 71 on Monday to help Dougherty Valley win the NCS Division I team golf title. Dougherty Valley finished with a team score of 413, while Monte Vista finished second with a score of 421.

To be considered for next week’s poll, send an email to by Monday, Nov. 13, at 11 a.m. Stats and team results should be included.

We also consider stats submitted to by coaches/team statisticians.

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