Bay Area News Group girls athlete of the week: Nola Kurtz, Moreau Catholic water polo

Kurtz, a sophomore, scored six goals and had two assists in a close 17-16 victory over Livermore

Moreau Catholic water polo player Nola Kurtz was named the Bay Area News Group’s high school girls athlete of the week for the week of Aug. 28 to Sept. 2 after receiving 32.39% of the vote by the deadline of 5 p.m. Wednesday.

Meki Maile (30.64%) of Menlo-Atherton finished second, and Alexis Dwinell of Carondelet finished third.

Congratulations to all of the nominees for this week’s honor.

Kurtz, a sophomore, had six goals and two assists in a 17-16 win over Livermore. In the first four games of the season, she had 16 goals and nine assists.

To be considered for next week’s poll, send an email to by Monday, Sept. 11, at 11 a.m. Stats and team results should be included.

We also consider stats submitted to by coaches/team statisticians.

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