Bay Area News Group girls athlete of the week: Sydney Kring, Campolindo water polo

Kring, a sophomore goalkeeper, had 51 saves, 12 steals and 8 assists last week

Sydney Kring of Campolindo is the Bay Area News Group’s girls high school athlete of the week for Oct. 2-7, after receiving 34.27% of the vote.

Cameron Klee (27.14%) of Valley Christian field hockey finished second.

Congratulations to all of the nominees for this week’s honor.

Kring, a sophomore goalkeeper, added 51 saves, 12 steals, and 8 assists to her season total of 167 saves last week. With victories over Acalanes, Righetti, Saint Francis, Sacred Heart, and Carondelet, she helped Campolindo finish second at the Arroyo Grande Classic.

To be considered for next week’s poll, send an email to by Monday, Oct. 16, at 11 a.m. Stats and team results should be included.

We also consider stats submitted to by coaches/team statisticians.

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