Los Gatos: The Cats hosting Oct. 8 Maui benefit with music, Oct. 22 paella dinner

Restaurant launching its venture to showcase young chefs
The Cats, the legendary Los Gatos roadhouse that was recently renovated and rebooted, is expanding its special events and entertainment offerings.
This Sunday, Oct. 8, from noon to 4 p.m., a Maui fundraiser will feature 12 live music acts as well as the restaurant’s barbecue and bar menu. The American Red Cross will receive 10% of The Cats’ sales that afternoon for its Maui Wildfire Relief efforts. Mark Harville was in charge of the event’s music.
ChefCentury, owner Richard Tam’s venture to highlight new chefs, will launch with the first Guest Chef Pop-Up Series later this month.
In addition, his paella will be delivered within a 10-mile radius.
“ChefCentury helps chefs like Christian Saiz focus on what he does best, and we do the rest,” Tam said in a statement announcing the culinary series.
17533 Santa Cruz Highway, Los Gatos; www.thecatslosgatos.com for more information.