Prep roundup: No. 1 De La Salle cruises past Vallejo. SRV girls rout Redwood

High school basketball: Sacred Heart Prep boys edge Granada, Alyssa Rudd has a huge game for Monte Vista girls.

Boys basketball

De La Salle 75, Vallejo 34.

De La Salle, the top-ranked team in the Bay Area News Group, improved to 2-0 with a home victory over Vallejo in the first round of the DLS tournament on Thursday night.

For the Spartans, Ibrahim Monawar scored nine points and Braddock Kjellesvig added eight. They will face Head-Royce in the semifinals on Friday.

De La Salle led Vallejo 19-10 after one quarter and 43-17 at halftime after a 62-51 victory over Southern California powerhouse Centennial-Corona in its season opener on Saturday in Dublin.

In the first round, Head-Royce defeated Marin Catholic 61-39 on Thursday.

Serra defeated James Logan 78-38 on the other side of the bracket, and Central Catholic of Portland, Ore. defeated Sacramento 73-49.

Saturday is the big day.

Sacred Heart Prep 62, Granada 61.

TJ O’Brien scored 27 points and JP Kerrigan added 10 as Sacred Heart Prep defeated last season’s NorCal Division I champion Granada in the Riordan tournament’s first round. Granada missed two free throws in the final seconds of the game that would have won it.

O’Brien hit five of Sacred Heart Prep’s nine three-point attempts.

On Friday, SHP will face University in the second round of the tournament.

Girls basketball

Redwood 43, San Ramon Valley 86.

San Ramon Valley defeated Redwood in the first round of the Marin Catholic tournament thanks to Sofia Bowes’ 21 points, eight rebounds, and five assists.

For the Wolves, Avery Knapp had 12 points and 10 rebounds, and freshman Ella Gunderson had 10 points and five assists.

SRV (2-0) opened the season with a 64-37 victory over Oakland Tech, the Division I state champion and the preseason No. 2 team in the Bay Area News Group.

Castro Valley 40, Monte Vista 11

Sophomore Alyssa Rudd led the Monte Vista Mustangs to a first-round victory over tournament host Castro Valley on Thursday.

Rudd led Monte Vista with 29 points, 16 rebounds, five steals, and three assists on 12-of-17 shooting.

Rachel Brans had 11 rebounds and seven points, and Naliyah Sefidi scored 10 points on 5-of-9 shooting as a freshman.

Menlo School has 47 points, while Sacred Heart Prep has 43.

Menlo School defeated Sacred Heart Prep in the Mills tournament thanks to 17 points and 11 rebounds from Ruiqi Liu and 15 points from Arthi Abhyanker.

Karen Xin also scored 11 points for Menlo.

The Knights, who are now 3-0 under new coach Ryan Cooper, will continue tournament play against sixth-ranked Pinewood on Friday.

Boys soccer

Monte Vista 2 is ranked second, and San Ramon Valley 2 is ranked tenth.

Monte Vista tied crosstown rival San Ramon Valley in a non-league game thanks to goals from James Downes and Peyton Miller.

SRV led 2-0 at the half.

Monte Vista is now 1-0-1. SRV is 1-1-2.

St. Patrick-St. Vincent, Pinole Valley 2 0

Pinole Valley defeated SPSV in a Tri-County Athletic League Stone Division opener with goals from Amir Hernandez and Elvin Lucas, and assists from Mohamed Naji and Julian Hurtado.

Pinole Valley is now 3-0, 1-1. SPSV is a 0/1.

Girls soccer

Hollister 1, Valley Christian 0

Valley Christian improved to 2-0 with a non-league road win over Hollister, thanks to a goal by Grace Morton. On Saturday, Valley travels to Willow Glen.


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