Why athletes at Olympic Village are finding some Grindr features disabled

Grindr is disabling location-based features in the Olympic Village. While Olympians are known to participate in other athletic activities in their downtime, athletes in Paris might find their Grindr more restricted than usual. And no, it’s not about preventing the athletes from having sex — it’s actually a safety precaution. “If athletes are not out…

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Credit-card rewards are tearing friends apart

Our obsession with points is turning brunch into a social minefield. Pam’s circle of parent friends likes to split the financial load when it makes sense, whether it’s ordering pickup or delivery, going out for a group meal, or getting tickets to a theme park or a movie. But there’s one dad who has recently…

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The US economy grew way faster than expected this spring

A new Bureau of Economic Analysis report said the advance estimate for US GDP growth in the second quarter was 2.8% at an annualized rate. That’s way more than the 2% forecast from Investing.com and the 1.4% growth in the first quarter. “This is a perfect report for the Fed, growth during the first half…

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‘I just wanted to take a break’: Some early-stage founders are putting their startup dreams on hold in the tech downturn to try corporate life

Mehak Vohra has been a startup founder ever since she dropped out of college in 2016. She started Jamocha Media, a media and personal-branding company, and then SkillBank, an online marketing training program. But earlier this year she shut down SkillBank and joined a bigger tech company as its head of marketing. It’s the first…

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