How to deal with a narcissistic boss, including whether you should consider quitting, according to 4 career coaches

According to experts, people who exhibit narcissistic traits may be drawn to senior management. Four career coaches discuss the behavioral patterns and situations that they can bring to work. They tell Insider how employees should react to them — and when they should leave. Narcissistic people exhibit a variety of characteristics, not all of which…

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Inside a secret haven for startup founders to overcome loneliness: ‘There’s very few people you can be honest with’

Leaders In Tech is a four-day, invite-only retreat for tech founders and CEOs held in Northern California. The retreat is the brainchild of author and executive coach Carole Robin, and is based on the Interpersonal Dynamics course she taught at Stanford Business School. The retreat, which costs about $10,000, is meant to help participants open…

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PG&E customers face higher monthly bills as state panel preps ruling

Electricity and gas bills are slated to hop higher — yet again OAKLAND — PG&E’s monthly utility bills are set to rise — yet again — as state regulators make key decisions about the power company’s upcoming revenue requirements. That is the foreboding economic reality that PG&E customers face, who have already been shaken by…

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Tiny, rural hospitals feel the pinch as Medicare Advantage plans grow

When several representatives from private health insurance companies approached Bleak a few years ago about offering Medicare Advantage plan contracts so their enrollees could use his hospital, he turned them down. “Come back to the table with a better offer,” the CEO said he told them. The representatives have yet to return. Battle Mountain is…

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EXCLUSIVE: Some Scientists, Journals Pose ‘Potential Threats to Vaccine Confidence’: CDC

CDC official who decried Epoch Times article on peer-reviewed paper admitted he did not know if research was ‘legitimate.’ Scientists and journals that conduct and publish specific research pose a problem for the federal government’s vaccination campaigns that should be addressed, according to newly reviewed emails from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).…

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Leading Cause of Immune Dysregulation, Like Autism, Is ‘Hypervaccination’: Dr. Peter McCullough

Children who do not take any vaccines have ‘healthier outcomes’ in current conditions, claimed the doctor. According to cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough, increased vaccination intensity in children can disrupt their immune systems and potentially lead to neuropsychiatric illnesses like autism. “There has been an incredible acceleration and intensification of vaccines given to children,” Dr. McCullough…

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Study: ‘Genetic Vaccines Must Be Pulled’

Seven Australian authors “advocate for the suspension of gene-based COVID-19 vaccines … and other vaccines based on mRNA or viral-vector DNA technology.” Perspectives on Health People frequently ask me for “comprehensive” publications on vaccine side effects. The SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein is present in the virus, and it is uncontrollably produced by the mRNA and adenoviral…

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