Leaders who play favorites at work think it promotes excellence and healthy competition. It also breeds resentment.

Favoritism from leaders can be a slippery slope at work. Playing favorites at work is something some swear by, but it can be a risky strategy. Airbnb’s cofounder and CEO Brian Chesky, for example, told Fortune in November that he believed that nurturing high performers helps foster a culture of excellence. “If you can’t have…

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I was thrown from a horse and broke multiple bones. My husband was my caretaker while I recovered and it strengthened our relationship.

The author and her husband became even closer after she was in an accident that left her temporarily disabled.  When I envisioned my life with my husband, I thought I’d be well into my 80s before I’d need him cutting my food and helping me shower. I had an unwelcome glimpse into my old age…

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Here’s how long you have left to mail gifts before the holidays

Postal workers are doing their part to ensure your packages arrive in time for the holidays.  The holiday season is here, and while delivery drivers work hard to ensure parcels reach their destinations on time, gift-givers can help by sending them before the shipping deadlines. With Christmas less than two weeks off, there are mere…

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