EXCLUSIVE: Whistleblower Who Disclosed Myocarditis Spike in Military After COVID Vaccine Rollout Goes Public

A service member who blew the whistle earlier this year and revealed data from a Pentagon medical database showing a spike in the rate of myocarditis in the military in 2021, following the rollout of COVID-19 vaccines, is going public.
Lt. Ted Macie, an active-duty Navy Medical Service Corps officer, is the whistleblower. He has also revealed new data indicating a significant increase in accidents, assaults, self-harm, and suicide attempts in the military in 2021, compared to the 2016 to 2021 average.
This includes a 147% increase in intentional self-harm incidents among service members and an 828% increase in assault injuries.
Lt. Macie told The Epoch Times that when another whistleblower alerted him to an increase in health-related incidents in the winter of 2021/2022, he began “keeping an eye on” a defense medical database.
The Defense Medical Epidemiology Database (DMED) stores all diagnoses recorded using International Classification of Diseases (ICD) codes when an active service member is seen by a military or civilian provider on or off base. There is no personally identifiable information about service members in the database.
Lt. Macie and his wife traveled to Washington in January with a report on the data he collected from DMED.
Diagnoses of myocarditis, a type of heart inflammation, increased by 130.5 percent in 2021 compared to the average number of cases in the five-year period from 2016 to 2020. Myocarditis is a deadly condition that can be fatal.
According to US officials, all four COVID-19 vaccines approved in the country can cause myocarditis. COVID-19 can also cause myocarditis, according to some experts, though the evidence is mixed.
The vaccines were mandated by US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin in 2021, and they remained in effect until Congress forced their withdrawal in late 2022.
The data also revealed an increase in pulmonary embolism (41.2 percent), blood clots in the lungs (38.2 percent), and “complications and ill-defined descriptions of heart disease” (37.7 percent).
DMED Information
Lt. Macie obtained the data nearly a year after the Pentagon announced that it had resolved a data corruption issue with the DMED.
Other military whistleblowers reported shocking increases in disease rates following the introduction of the COVID-19 vaccine in 2022. However, the Pentagon responded that those figures were incorrect because some diagnoses from 2016 to 2020 were not counted, a problem caused by “corrupt” data.
Lt. Macie and others, including Army preventive medicine officer 1st Lt. Mark Bashaw, Navy Lt. Billy Moseley, Army Surgeon Lt. Col. Theresa Long, and Army doctor Maj. Samuel Sigoloff, noticed that there were still concerning signs of increases in diagnoses, such as myocarditis and pulmonary embolism, after the Pentagon said the issue had been corrected.
Since word got out that Lt. Macie was the only active-duty member at his command who didn’t get the COVID-19 vaccine and was suing the secretary of defense, people began coming to him in confidence, telling him about adverse reactions they were convinced were “from the shot,” he said.
“These anecdotal, but compelling, personal injuries were a motivator to get things on the right track,” the lieutenant said.

After verifying Lt. Macie’s report with the Senate Subcommittee on Investigations, Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), the panel’s top Republican, sent Mr. Austin a letter (pdf) in March asking the Pentagon to confirm Lt. Macie’s data.
Lt. Macie had suspected that the Pentagon would not respond because previous requests made within the department had gone unfulfilled.
“In the event our suspicions were correct, I kept additional data to reveal as soon as the data we brought [to Washington] was confirmed, or after being ignored for some time,” he went on to say.
Much to his surprise, he said, the Pentagon confirmed the accuracy of his data in a July reply (pdf) to Mr. Johnson’s letter.
Gilbert Cisneros Jr., undersecretary of defense for personnel and readiness, pointed to data on the rate of cases per 100,000 person-years, a method of measuring risk over time, in the Pentagon’s response. He stated that the new case rate was higher for service members with a prior COVID-19 infection than for those with a prior COVID-19 vaccination for almost all of the conditions that showed an increase in cases in 2021.
“This suggests that it was more likely to be [COVID-19] infection and not COVID-19 vaccination that was the cause,” he said.
Lt. Macie stated that he intends to bring the additional data he kept up his chain of command “with the aim of a resolution and validation for injured service members.”
“But I’m not holding my breath,” he admitted.
Lt. Macie has also brought this new information to the office of Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL), hoping to pique the interest of the House Armed Services Committee, which Mr. Gaetz serves on. Lt. Macie is unsure what Mr. Gaetz and his staff will do, but the lawmaker’s office stated in June that “they will take a look,” he said.
Mr. Gaetz’s office was contacted for comment, but no response was received by press time.

Accidents and self-harm are on the rise.
According to his findings, health-related incidents in 2021 will be significantly higher than the five-year average from 2016 to 2020.
“As some may expect, internal injuries like myocarditis (130 percent), tinnitus (42 percent), and cerebral infarction (stroke) (43.5 percent) are on the rise,” the lieutenant said.
However, it was Lt. Macie’s wife who became interested, inquiring about other types of injuries.
“What about external cause morbidities, like burns, accidents, self-inflicted harm, and injuries that are not expected to be associated with the COVID shot?” he asked.
According to the new data, incidents that increased above the five-year average in 2021 included exposure to natural forces (773 percent); water transport accidents (7,400 percent); land transport vehicle accidents (526 percent); suicide attempts (33 percent); assault (828 percent); slipping, tripping, stumbles, and falls (471 percent); and intentional self-harm (147 percent).
Some of these increased not only in 2021, but also in 2022. The Epoch Times has seen screenshots of these DMED data.
Historically, he said, if the Pentagon noticed a trend in certain areas, such as abuse or suicide, it would hold a safety stand-down—a military-wide mandatory training and review in which all commands must participate 100 percent.
“What will higher-ranking general officers, the surgeon general, Defense Health Agency, and Joint Chiefs do when they receive word that ICD codes/injuries for these incidents are on the rise?” Lieutenant Macie stated.
“Soon, we’ll see if the same people who claim that the service member is their top priority actually show that through their action.”
According to Lt. Macie, the new data collected has several possibilities.
“If the data is correct and confirmed by [the Pentagon], more than a stand-down is required.” Rising issues such as self-harm, suicide attempts, accidents, and assault must be addressed right away, not just the shambles of [vaccine] injuries,” he said.
He noted that the Pentagon may respond a second time, claiming that the data are incorrect, despite the fact that the department previously stated that the data corruption issues in the system have been resolved to prevent future errors. But, he predicted, such a response would raise even more questions about the database’s integrity and whether there is a cover-up going on.
Lt. Macie believes Congress will press the Pentagon for answers about the new data.
However, if lawmakers fail to do so, “the people need to step up to hold our government accountable,” he said.
Lt. Macie stressed that his opinions do not reflect those of the Departments of Defense or the Navy.
The Pentagon did not respond to The Epoch Times’ requests for an explanation for the increase in external cause morbidities.